Muhammad Ali Sadpara was a ______...? Mcqs

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Muhammad Ali Sadpara was a ______...?

(i) Cricketer
(ii) Traveler

(iii) Mountaineer
(iv) None of these

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A statement that can have a double meaning is...?

(i) Ambiguous
(ii) Epigraph

(iii) Ambivalent
(iv) None

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World Wide Web is being standardized by...?

(i) World Wide Corporation
(ii) W3C

(iii) World Wide Consortium
(iv) World Wide Web Standard Muslim League delegation

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What is total area of pakistan in square kilometers...?

(i) 796096 km2
(ii) 881913 km2

(iii) 695095 km2
(iv) None of these

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The last ruler of Soviet Union was ___________...?

(i) Mikhail Gorbachev
(ii) Boris Yeltsin

(iii) Leonid Brezhnev
(iv) None of the above

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USSR was dissolved in...?

(i) 1988
(ii) 1989

(iii) 1990
(iv) 1991

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Who give the suggestion of digging the trench around the city of Madinah at the time of “battle of Khandaq”...?

(i) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)
(ii) Salman Al-Farsi (RA)

(iii) Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
(iv) None of these

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Find the correct indirect sentence: Majid said, "It may rain tomorrow,"...?

(i) Majid told that it may rain tomorrow
(ii) Majid suggested that it might rain tomorrow

(iii) Majid said that it might rain the next day
(iv) Majid told it might rain the next day

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Choose the word most similar word STUBBORN...?

(i) Fearless
(ii) Shameless

(iii) Loyal
(iv) Inflexible

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Which of the following International Organization has no head quarts...?

(i) GCC
(ii) OAU

(iii) G-8
(iv) D-8

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