Name of the son of Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews...? Mcqs

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Name of the son of Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S) whose off-springs are the Jews...?

(i) Yousaf (a.s)
(ii) Yahooda

(iii) Ishaq (a.s)
(iv) Lawi

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Atta Shad and Isha Shamin are notable poets of...?

(i) Balochi
(ii) Sindhi

(iii) Pushtu
(iv) Punjabi

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British east India Company was established during the reign of Mughal Emperor...?

(i) Akbar
(ii) Jahagir

(iii) Shahjahan
(iv) Aurengzeb

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Identify the Muslim ruler who instituted the Islamic Calendar from the year of the Holy Prophet's migration to Madina...?

(i) Hazrat Umer (May Allah bless Him)
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakr(May Allah bless Him)

(iii) Hazrat Ali(May Allah bless Him)
(iv) Hazrat Usman(May Allah bless Him)

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Synonym of “syllogism” is _________...?

(i) harmony
(ii) word division

(iii) sensible observation
(iv) reasoning method

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Which mountain range gets its name from the Sanskrit language meaning ‘abode of snow’...?

(i) Karakoram
(ii) Hindukush

(iii) Ural
(iv) Himalayas

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PNG, JPEG, GIF are the formats of _____ files....?

(i) Image
(ii) Audio

(iii) Video
(iv) None of these

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Buenos Aires is city of:...?

(i) Argentina
(ii) Brazil

(iii) Chile
(iv) USA

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The famous novel “Frankenstein” was written by: ___________...?

(i) Edgar Allan Poe
(ii) H. G. Wells

(iii) Lan Fleming
(iv) Mary shelley

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statement 9/11 + 5/7 =...?

(i) 2/3
(ii) 3/2

(iii) 1/3
(iv) None Of These

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