Name the capital of Bosnia Herzegovina is ...? Mcqs

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Name the capital of Bosnia Herzegovina is ...?

(i) Sarajevo
(ii) Zagreb

(iii) Salonika
(iv) None of these

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Who are not entitled to get Zakat...?

(i) Parents, Husband, wife and children
(ii) Uncle, Sister, and Hisband

(iii) Brother, Nephew and children
(iv) Parents, brother and wife

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Who invented Telephone:...?

(i) Alexander Graham Bell
(ii) Vint Cerf

(iii) Charles Babbage
(iv) Thomas Edison

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How many connotes in globalization concept:...?

(i) P3
(ii) P4

(iii) P5
(iv) P6

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Instructions and memory addresses are represented by:...?

(i) Character codes
(ii) Binary codes

(iii) Parity bit
(iv) None of these

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400-year old Morro Castle is located in which country...?

(i) Russia
(ii) The USA

(iii) Cuba
(iv) The UK

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Abdur Rehman al nasir assumed the title of Ameer ul Mominin in_________ ...?

(i) 315
(ii) 317

(iii) 330
(iv) None of these

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Which is not the function of the operating system...?

(i) Linux
(ii) DOS

(iii) Oracle
(iv) Window

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Feral means _____...?

(i) Well planned
(ii) Over weight

(iii) Wild
(iv) None of these

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What happens if you press Ctrl + Shift + F8 in Microsoft Word...?

(i) It activates extended selection
(ii) It activates the rectangular selection

(iii) It selects the paragraph on which the insertion line is.
(iv) None of above

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