Name the first ever female Prime Minister in the world...? Mcqs

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Name the first ever female Prime Minister in the world...?

(i) Benazir Bhutto
(ii) Indra Gandhi

(iii) Sirimavo Bandaranaike
(iv) Golda Meir

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which of the following wonder of the world is situated in Iraq...?

(i) Hanging gardens
(ii) Colossus of Rhodes

(iii) Taj mahal
(iv) The pharos of Alexandria

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antonyms of:Conscientious:...?

(i) Careful
(ii) Carefree

(iii) Strict
(iv) Casual

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In MS Excel function to return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false:...?

(i) If function
(ii) Sum function

(iii) Decimal function
(iv) Info function

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Synonym of “misanthropy” is _________...?

(i) badinage
(ii) generosity

(iii) vivacity
(iv) miserliness

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In the journey of Mirajj the Prophet (pbuh) was brought two bowls; one of them had wine and the other had_______ ...?

(i) Milk
(ii) Dates

(iii) Honey
(iv) Water

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Which of the following plants produce the worlds biggest flower by size and which smells like rotten flesh....?

(i) Raflessia Arnoldi
(ii) Cactus

(iii) Pitcher plant
(iv) None of these

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What happens when you insert an AutoShape by simply clicking in the document...?

(i) it appears near the insertion point
(ii) it is inserted in its default size

(iii) is selected
(iv) all of the above

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Who was the founder of Lodhi dynasty in India...?

(i) Ibrahim Lodhi
(ii) Bahlul Khan Lodhi

(iii) Sikander Lodhi
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “homogenous” is _________...?

(i) heterogeneous
(ii) motley

(iii) scrambled
(iv) different

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