Name the first man to walk in Space in 1965...? Mcqs

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Name the first man to walk in Space in 1965...?

(i) Yuri Gagrin
(ii) Neil Armstrong

(iii) Alexei Leonov
(iv) Tereskova

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The first Islamic month is...?

(i) Muharrum
(ii) Safar

(iii) Rajab
(iv) Zool Haja

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Select the pair which has the same relationship. After : Before...?

(i) First: Second
(ii) Present: Past

(iii) Contemporary: Historic
(iv) Successor: Predecessor

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Name the first prescriber of wahi in Makkah...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A.)
(ii) Hazrat Usman (R.A.)

(iii) Sharjeel-ibn-Hasana Kandi
(iv) None of these

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In how many years Madani Surahs were revealed...?

(i) 8
(ii) 9

(iii) 10
(iv) 11

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What is 20% as a fraction...?

(i) ½
(ii) 1/20

(iii) 1/5
(iv) 1/0

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Who is known as the father of Indian Constitution...?

(i) dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar
(ii) Jawaharlal Nehru

(iii) Rajendra Prasad
(iv) Mahatma Gandhi

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Which Surah was the first to be revealed upon Holy Prophet Muhammad...?

(i) Surah al-Alaq
(ii) Surah al-Falak

(iii) Surah al-Fataha
(iv) Surah al-Nisa

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I met ........... European...?

(i) a
(ii) an

(iii) the
(iv) None of these

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Indicate the type of sentence They are playing cricket...?

(i) Present Indefinite
(ii) Present Continuous

(iii) Present Prefect
(iv) None of these

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