Name the Mosque which was famous for the change of Qiblah...? Mcqs

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Name the Mosque which was famous for the change of Qiblah...?

(i) Masjid-e-Qiblatain
(ii) Masjid-e- Nabavi

(iii) Masjid-e- Quba
(iv) None of them

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The chairman of the Council of CommonInterests is the...?

(i) President
(ii) Cheif Justis of Pakistan

(iii) Prime Minister
(iv) Attorney General

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_________ is the best drink mentioned in Holy Qur’an....?

(i) Honey
(ii) Milk

(iii) Water
(iv) Juice

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The Founder of Algebra was...?

(i) Al Khwarizmi
(ii) Umar Khayyam

(iii) Lao Tze
(iv) Abu Yousaf

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Where is the grave of Hazrat Loot (A.S)...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Iraq

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What was the form of government according to the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan?

(i) Federal
(ii) Dictatorial

(iii) Presidential
(iv) Parliamentary

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Hazrat Nooh (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran _____ times....?

(i) 41
(ii) 42

(iii) 43
(iv) 44

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Change Voice. Open the Window...?

(i) Let the window be open
(ii) Let the window be opened

(iii) Let the windows be opened
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “cuisine” is _________...?

(i) overall atmosphere
(ii) table setting

(iii) style of cooking
(iv) light luggage

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Which function displays row data into column or column data into a row?...?

(i) Hyperlink
(ii) Index

(iii) Transpose
(iv) Rows

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