National Anthem of Pakistan was broadcast on Radio Pakistan for the first time on:...? Mcqs

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National Anthem of Pakistan was broadcast on Radio Pakistan for the first time on:...?

(i) 12th May 1949
(ii) 13th April 1950

(iii) 13th August 1954
(iv) 10th October 1000

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Which file format can be added to a Power Point show...?

(i) .gif
(ii) .jpg

(iii) .wav
(iv) All of these

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Economic cooperation organization is an Asian political, economic intergovernmental organization founded on...?

(i) 1964
(ii) 1985

(iii) 1992
(iv) None of these

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Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation in PowerPoint...?

(i) Ctrl + N
(ii) Ctrl + M

(iii) Ctrl + S
(iv) All of these

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Amazon founded in which year:"...?

(i) 1983
(ii) 1994

(iii) 2003
(iv) 2004

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Defence day is celebrated in Pakistan on _______...?

(i) 6th September
(ii) 23rd March

(iii) 11th September
(iv) 28th May

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ANGOP is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) austria
(ii) united states

(iii) france
(iv) angola

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Synonym of “bolster” is _________...?

(i) to brag
(ii) rest on

(iii) support
(iv) straddle

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Which country is called “Land of Flowers”...?

(i) Netherlands
(ii) Poland

(iii) Algeria
(iv) None of these

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ان میں سے کو نسی ضرب المثل ٹھیک ہے ؟...?

(i) چیل کے گھر میں پاس کہاں
(ii) چیل کے گھونسلے میں گوشت کہاں

(iii) چیل کے گھونسلے میں ماس کہاں
(iv) چیل کے گھونسلے میں ہوئی کہاں

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