National poet of Pakistan Allama Iqbal died on...? Mcqs

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National poet of Pakistan Allama Iqbal died on...?

(i) 21 April 1938
(ii) 21 May 1938

(iii) 21 September 1938
(iv) None of these

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Article 11 of the Pakistan's Constitution prohibits all forms of:...?

(i) Slavery
(ii) Forced Labour

(iii) Child Labour
(iv) All of them

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Select the most appropriate synonym of the word “Emaciated”...?

(i) Very thin
(ii) Over nourished

(iii) Chubby
(iv) Lucky Person

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Synonym of OBLIQUE is _____________...?

(i) Horizontal
(ii) Bore

(iii) Slanting
(iv) Disregard

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What is meant by 'MIQAT'....?

(i) A sacred valley near Makkah
(ii) Pilgrim's Garment

(iii) Entranceof Masjid i Nabvi
(iv) None of these

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He is averse_______hard work...?

(i) On
(ii) To

(iii) At
(iv) From

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Sabakzai Dam is being constructed under WAPDA vision 2025 in...?

(i) Punjab
(ii) Sindh

(iii) KPK
(iv) Baluchistan

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There are two sections A and B of a class, consisting of 36 and 44 students respectively If the average weight of section A is 40kg and that of section B is 35kg, find the average weight of the whole class...?

(i) 30 kg
(ii) 35 kg

(iii) 37.25 kg
(iv) 42.50 kg

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In MS Word 2016, to extend a selection to adjacent cells of the table:...?

(i) Hold down SHIFT and press an arrow key repeatedly
(ii) Press Alt + A

(iii) Ctrl+Alt+ H
(iv) Alt + End

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Which country has filed a case against Myanmar in the international court of justice (ICJ)...?

(i) France
(ii) Austria

(iii) Gambia
(iv) None of these

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