Nemaz e taraweeh is...? Mcqs

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Nemaz e taraweeh is...?

(i) wajib
(ii) farz

(iii) sunnat
(iv) None of them

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What do you understand by the term Brain drain...?

(i) Mad Person
(ii) Migration of skilled labor to Other Countries

(iii) Emigration of intellectuals
(iv) illiteracy and ignorance

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"One for all, all for one" is a:...?

(i) Collective security system
(ii) Balance of power

(iii) Human Security
(iv) None of these

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The blue colour of the clear sky is due to...?

(i) Refraction of light
(ii) Reflection of light

(iii) Diffraction of light
(iv) scattering of light

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The cash balance of the company is more than the cash balance of "US"...?

(i) Apple
(ii) Microsoft

(iii) Bechtel
(iv) Dupont

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Aaron has 3 times as much money as Josh. If Aaron gives Josh $50, Josh will then have 3 times as much money as Aaron. How much money do two of them have together?...?

(i) $100
(ii) $110

(iii) $135
(iv) $150

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Who is the Lord of India during 2nd World war?...?

(i) Lord Irwin
(ii) Lord Linlithgow

(iii) Lord Harding
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following institution was established in 1864:...?

(i) MAO College Lahore
(ii) Punjab Training College

(iii) Islamia College Lahore
(iv) Govt College Lahore

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The social network site “Twitter” was launched on __________ ....?

(i) March 21, 2003
(ii) March 21, 2004

(iii) March 21, 2005
(iv) March 21, 2006

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Which of the following is not a primary function of transnational actors in the state...?

(i) Advocacy and Public Pressure
(ii) Direct Action and Lobbying

(iii) Influence and Awareness
(iv) Funding and Outreach

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