Nepal’s first woman President was...? Mcqs

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Nepal’s first woman President was...?

(i) Rita Sharma
(ii) Vidya Devi Bhandari

(iii) Aishwarya Laxmi
(iv) Komal Bhandari

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The fifth Fleet of The USA is located in...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Qatar

(iii) Bahrain
(iv) Saudi Arabia

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In a Windows PC, the shortcut for copying in Microsoft Word is:...?

(i) CTRL+A
(ii) CTRL+B

(iii) CTRL+C
(iv) CTRL+V

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Who founded All India National Congress:...?

(i) Nehru
(ii) Gandhi

(iii) A O Hume
(iv) A home

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The smallest country in the world is:...?

(i) Vatican City
(ii) Maldives

(iii) Turkey
(iv) Angola

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A fruit seller purchases oranges at the rate of 3 for Rs 5 and sells them at 2 for Rs 4. His profit in the transaction is:...?

(i) 25%
(ii) 15%

(iii) 20%
(iv) 10%

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Synonym of Chastity________...?

(i) To abstain from sexual relation
(ii) To engulf in sexual relation

(iii) To whip someone
(iv) To infertile someone

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Choose the correct oneWhy had not you interested in this party...?

(i) Why had been you interested in this party
(ii) Why had not been you interested in this party

(iii) Why had not you interested in this party
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

She was alive at the time of “karbala” tragedy : Name her...?

(i) Hazrat Umm- e Aiyman RA
(ii) Hazrat Ayesha RA

(iii) Hazrat Umm-e-Salma RA
(iv) Hazrat Sumayya RA

Latest MCQs

Synonym of “abut” is _________...?

(i) strike
(ii) border on

(iii) cut
(iv) protrude

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