Non Aligned movement was started in...? Mcqs

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Non Aligned movement was started in...?

(i) 1979
(ii) 1980

(iii) 1982
(iv) 1961

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From which of these menus can we access a Text Box, Picture, Chart, etc?...?

(i) View
(ii) Insert

(iii) Edit
(iv) File

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Which country has filed a case against Myanmar in the international court of justice (ICJ)...?

(i) France
(ii) Austria

(iii) Gambia
(iv) None of these

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When Hajj was made obligatory...?

(i) 2 AH
(ii) 5 AH

(iii) 7 AH
(iv) 9 AH

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How many Makki Surahs are in the Qur'an...?

(i) 86
(ii) 92

(iii) 82
(iv) 72

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Siam Center is in __________...?

(i) Istanbul
(ii) Rom

(iii) Bangkok
(iv) New York

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Which country took over the rotating presidency of the EU in January 2024...?

(i) Sweden
(ii) Poland

(iii) France
(iv) Germany

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How many years Aisha(RA) remained alive after the death of Muhammad (SAW) ...?

(i) 40
(ii) 42

(iii) 44
(iv) 45

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what do you understand by Tahleeq________...?

(i) Cutting of hair
(ii) First circle of Tawaf

(iii) Kalmaas in loud voice during Tawaf
(iv) Kissing of stone

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Select the most suitable antonym for: Tangible...?

(i) Solid
(ii) Weak

(iii) Concrete
(iv) Abstract

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