Non-permanent members of the UN security council are elected for a term of...? Mcqs

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Non-permanent members of the UN security council are elected for a term of...?

(i) 1 year
(ii) 2 years

(iii) 3 years
(iv) 5 years

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IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) was founded on: ___________...?

(i) June 19, 1947
(ii) July 29, 1957

(iii) August 09, 1967
(iv) None of These

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Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations (2025)...?

(i) Ban Ki-moon
(ii) Antonio Guterres

(iii) Kofi Annan
(iv) Boutros Boutros-Ghali

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__________ Prophets are mentioned in holy Quran....?

(i) 24
(ii) 25

(iii) 26
(iv) 27

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The FIFA Women’s World Cup was commenced in...?

(i) 1981
(ii) 1983

(iii) 1987
(iv) 1991

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What is name of 22nd Para of Holy Quran...?

(i) Wa Qalallazina (وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ)
(ii) A’man Khalaq (أَمَّنْ خَلَقَ)

(iii) Utlu Ma Oohi (اتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَ)
(iv) Wa Manyaqnut (وَمَنْ يَقْنُتْ)

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In Excel, you can sort data in...?

(i) Ascending order
(ii) Descending order

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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In MS-Word. Header & Footer are inserted in:...?

(i) Front Page
(ii) Last Page

(iii) On Every Page
(iv) None of these

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Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea are connected by...?

(i) Bosporus Strait
(ii) Suez Canal

(iii) Malacca Strait
(iv) Palk Strait

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In which surah, the tauba of three sahaba is mentioned who lagged behind in the battle of Tabuk...?

(i) Al.Namal
(ii) Al. Baqarah

(iii) Al. Nisa
(iv) Al-Tauba

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