North Korea cut off its hotlines with which nation in June 2020:...? Mcqs

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North Korea cut off its hotlines with which nation in June 2020:...?

(i) South Korea
(ii) US

(iii) Japan
(iv) China

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How can you disable extended selection mode in Microsoft Word...?

(i) Press F8 again to disable
(ii) Press Del to disable

(iii) Press Esc to disable
(iv) Press Enter to disable

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Which of the following categories of Nobel Prizes was not created by Swedish Scientist Alfred Nobel...?

(i) Peace
(ii) Literatue

(iii) Economics
(iv) Medicine

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"Indus-Basin Water Treaty" was signed in:...?

(i) 1958
(ii) 1960

(iii) 1966
(iv) 1949

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“وَقُلْ رَّبِّ زِدۡنِىۡ عِلۡمًا” is a beautiful verse mentioned in surah...?

(i) Ta-Ha
(ii) Ankaboot

(iii) Mujadila
(iv) Inaam

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What is the arithmetic mean (average) of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12..?

(i) 5
(ii) 6

(iii) 7
(iv) 8

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How can you break the current column and start a new column immediately in Ms Word...?

(i) Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter
(ii) Press Alt + Enter

(iii) Press Ctrl + Enter
(iv) Press Alt + Shift + Enter

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Which of the following states was acceded to Pakistan on 15 August 1947...?

(i) Jodhpur
(ii) Junagarh

(iii) Hyderabad
(iv) Swat

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Baffin Island is located in which country...?

(i) USA
(ii) Canada

(iii) Mexico
(iv) Cuba

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A land tax imposed on the non muslims cultivators and landlords was known as________...?

(i) Jizya
(ii) Khums

(iii) Kharaj
(iv) None of these

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