Nostalgic ( choose the most appropriate similar word )...? Mcqs

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Nostalgic ( choose the most appropriate similar word )...?

(i) healthy
(ii) angry

(iii) homesick
(iv) none of these

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Surah Ankaboot means ___________...?

(i) Cat
(ii) Cockroach

(iii) Horse
(iv) Spider

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A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is called...?

(i) Keyboard
(ii) Scanner

(iii) OMR
(iv) None of the above

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Who invented Chronometer...?

(i) John Harrison
(ii) Marconi

(iii) Dalton
(iv) None of these

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The Largest flag ever made, weight at 5 ton with 44 miles of Thread, certified by Guinness world record belong to which country...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) Romania

(iii) US
(iv) China

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What is “Subway”...?

(i) Underground passage
(ii) A road or path raised above ground level

(iii) Short passage to any place
(iv) None of these

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What should you do if you require pasting the same format in many places...?

(i) Double click the format painter then go on pasting in many places
(ii) Click the format painter then go on pasting to many places holding Ctrl Key

(iii) Click the Format painter and go on pasting in many places holding Alt Key
(iv) All of above

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Who was the first Abbasid caliph of Islam...?

(i) Abu Ja’far al Mansur
(ii) Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah

(iii) Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad (Al Mahdi)
(iv) Abū Muḥammad Mūsā (Al Hadi)

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پاکستان اور چھین کے درمیان معاشی معاہدے کا کیا نام ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) سارک
(ii) ناٹو

(iii) سی پیک
(iv) او آئی سی

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Asian Men’s Hockey Champions Trophy-2016 held in...?

(i) Malaysia
(ii) India

(iii) Indonesia
(iv) Maldives

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