OGRA decided fuel price after how many days...? Mcqs

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OGRA decided fuel price after how many days...?

(i) 10 days
(ii) 15 days

(iii) 30 days
(iv) None of these

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Aramco is the Oil company Of...?

(i) America
(ii) Russia

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Iran

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The name “Muhammad” has been mentioned _________ times in the Holy Quran....?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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If you want to insert some slides from other presentation into current one choose...?

(i) From Insert menu choose Slides from Files
(ii) From Insert menu choose Slides fromPresentation

(iii) From Insert menu choose Slides
(iv) None of these

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Who among the following is associated with the Theory of Laissez Faire...?

(i) Adam Smith
(ii) Marshal

(iii) Keynes
(iv) Max muller

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1 Gigabyte is equal to _______...?

(i) 1024 bytes
(ii) 1024 bits

(iii) 1024 megabytes
(iv) 1024 terabytes

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Where is the grave of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Jordan

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What is synonym of Waive...?

(i) Accept
(ii) Struggle

(iii) Relinquish
(iv) Abrogate

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Who was the prime minister of India at the time of Tashkent agreement...?

(i) Lal bahadur Shastri
(ii) Indira Gandhi

(iii) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(iv) Rajiv Gandhi

Latest MCQs

What does the word “indictment” signify...?

(i) Formal accusation
(ii) Strong evidence of serious flaws or wrongdoing

(iii) Legal charge
(iv) Moral condemnation

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