Oldest Monarchy of the world is...? Mcqs

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Oldest Monarchy of the world is...?

(i) England
(ii) Narway

(iii) Japan
(iv) Nepal

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In which country was the 2024 COP summit held...?

(i) Egypt
(ii) UAE

(iii) South Korea
(iv) France

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Basically Booty is the right of...?

(i) Allah Almighty and His Prophet
(ii) Who fight for Islam

(iii) The poor and the miserable
(iv) Orpharis

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Who was the US president during the U-2 crisis:...?

(i) John F Kennedy
(ii) Richard Nixon

(iii) Harry S Truman
(iv) Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Khojak pass is located between...?

(i) Jamrud and Landi Kotal
(ii) Sibi and Machh

(iii) Quetta and D.I Khan
(iv) Quetta and Chaman

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Which is the national flower of Pakistan...?

(i) Jasmine
(ii) Rose

(iii) Sunflower
(iv) Marigold

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Find out the average of A and B if the given value of 16A + 16B = 48...?

(i) 1.5
(ii) 2

(iii) 5.3
(iv) 7.4

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کس ملک کی بندرگاہ ہے اسکندریہ ALEXANDRIA

(i) لیبیا
(ii) مصر

(iii) اٹلی
(iv) یونان

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Who was the Head of that board, which was established for the preparation of copies of Musaef Abi Bakr...?

(i) Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (R.A)
(ii) Hazrat Usama bin Qais (R.A)

(iii) Hazrat Usman bin Maznoun (R.A)
(iv) Hazrat Muaz bin Jabel (R.A)

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Which programme is generally used in architectural design?...?

(i) Excel
(ii) Power Point

(iii) Auto CAD
(iv) MS Word

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