One barrel of petroleum is equal to...? Mcqs

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One barrel of petroleum is equal to...?

(i) 34.97 UK gallons
(ii) 42 US gallons

(iii) 0.159 Cubic Metre
(iv) None of these

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Sialkot-Lahore Motorway is called...?

(i) M11
(ii) M5

(iii) M3
(iv) M12

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'Order of the Rising Sun' is the highest military award of...?

(i) Japan
(ii) USA

(iii) Norway
(iv) UK

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مسجد اقصیٰ کہاں ہے

(i) غزہ
(ii) تل ایب

(iii) اسرائیل
(iv) بغداد

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Non flowering plants are called as:...?

(i) Cryptogams
(ii) Angiosperms

(iii) Phanerogams
(iv) Phanerogams

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Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front wants to get independence from:...?

(i) India
(ii) Pakistan

(iii) Both India & Pakistan
(iv) None of these

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You need to jump to the next column breaking current column right at the cursor position. How can you break column...?

(i) Pressing Ctrl+Enter
(ii) Pressing Alt+Shift+Enter

(iii) Break command from Insert menu
(iv) Both b and c

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What was the name of the machine by which Hazrat Ibrahim Aleh Islam was thrown into the pit of fire...?

(i) Catapult
(ii) Thin rope

(iii) Credle
(iv) None of them

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A search engine used software called_____ to search documents on internet...?

(i) Wikipedia
(ii) Dark web

(iii) Spider
(iv) None of these

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UsA film industry Hollywood is located in...?

(i) Maryland
(ii) California

(iii) Virginia
(iv) New York

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