Opposite meaning to the given word Insolent...? Mcqs

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Opposite meaning to the given word Insolent...?

(i) Proud
(ii) Humble

(iii) Ignorant
(iv) None

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The real name of Hazrat Noah (A.S) was________...?

(i) Abdul-Ghaffaar
(ii) Mutallib

(iii) Sufyan
(iv) None of these

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Brass gets discolored in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air:...?

(i) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Hydrogen sulfide

(iii) Nitrogen
(iv) Oxygen

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Hassan Habib is associated with which sports:...?

(i) Squash
(ii) Poker

(iii) Swimming
(iv) None of these

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Which is the largest Road Tunnel in the world...?

(i) Rokko
(ii) Apennine

(iii) St. Gotthard
(iv) Laerdal Tunnel

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What is the Wakhan Corridor...?

(i) A region in Pakistan’s Punjab province
(ii) A thin, mountainous strip in Afghanistan’s northeastern Badakhshan province

(iii) A disputed territory between India and Pakistan
(iv) A valley in the northern part of India

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Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was granted ‘Permanent Observer status’ in the deliberations of both the United Nations General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council in:____________...?

(i) 2016
(ii) 2017

(iii) 2018
(iv) 2019

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Ghazwa-e-Badr occurs in which Hijri...?

(i) 1 H
(ii) 2 H

(iii) 3 H
(iv) 5H

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The Lord Linlithgow put forward the proposal of August Offer in:...?

(i) 1939
(ii) 1940

(iii) 1941
(iv) 1942

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She suffers ___________ a heart disease...?

(i) From
(ii) In

(iii) About
(iv) On

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