Our earth is divided into how many climate zones...? Mcqs

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Our earth is divided into how many climate zones...?

(i) Three
(ii) Two

(iii) Four
(iv) None of these

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The newly established Kashmir region is divided into how many administrative zones...?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 4
(iv) 5

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What is the synonym for the Exotic...?

(i) dull
(ii) uninteresting

(iii) Unusual
(iv) boring

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Dr Abdus Salam was awarded Nobel Prize having work on which basic forces...?

(i) Electromagnetic and Molecular
(ii) Electromagnetic and Electromotive

(iii) Weak and Electro Magnetic
(iv) None of these

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The fifth Fleet of The USA is located in...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Qatar

(iii) Bahrain
(iv) Saudi Arabia

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She cares ___ the environment...?

(i) about
(ii) to

(iii) of
(iv) on

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How many times squash ball is allowed to bounce on floor after each shot...?

(i) One
(ii) Two

(iii) Three
(iv) None of these

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Antonym curl?

(i) Unsmooth
(ii) smooth

(iii) Unflate
(iv) None Of These

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When Hazrat Umer (R.A) embraced Islam...?

(i) 600 A.D
(ii) 608 A.D

(iii) 616 A.D
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following do you use to change margins in Ms Word...?

(i) formatting toolbar
(ii) page setup dialog box

(iii) Standard toolbar
(iv) paragraph dialog box

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