P is 6 times greater than Q then by what per cent is Q smaller than P...? Mcqs

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P is 6 times greater than Q then by what per cent is Q smaller than P...?

(i) 84%
(ii) 85.5%

(iii) 83.33%
(iv) 80%

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Idols in Kaba before Islam numbered ...?

(i) 340
(ii) 350

(iii) 360
(iv) 370

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Louvre museum is located in:...?

(i) Paris
(ii) London

(iii) Rome
(iv) None of these

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First census of Islamic world in __________ period....?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakar’s
(ii) Hazrat Umar’s

(iii) Hazrat Usman’s
(iv) Hazrat Ali’s

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The cooling agent that as lower temperature than water ice is solid from...?

(i) Nitrogen gas
(ii) Ammonia

(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) None of these

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Pakistan has signed and ratified United Nations...?

(i) Combating Desertification and Drought
(ii) International Convention on Climate Change

(iii) International Labour Convention on Child Labour
(iv) All of these

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If Mundane : Spiritual, then:...?

(i) Common Ghostly
(ii) Worldly: Unworldly

(iii) Routine: Novel
(iv) None of these

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Lahore resolution of '23rd March 1940' was seconded from Sindh Province by...?

(i) Begum Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(ii) Chaudhri Khaliq Uz Zaman

(iii) Abdullah Haroon
(iv) Nawab Muhammad Ismail

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Choose the antonym of Zeal:...?

(i) Hostility
(ii) Diffidence

(iii) Apathy
(iv) None of these

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Which of the followings is called ' Land of Prophets'...?

(i) Iraq
(ii) Saudi Arabia

(iii) Palestine
(iv) Syria

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