Pakistan Climate Change Act passed in...? Mcqs

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Pakistan Climate Change Act passed in...?

(i) 2015
(ii) 2017

(iii) 2019
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of supervene is ___________...?

(i) follow
(ii) intervene

(iii) urgent
(iv) imply

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Find the most suitable word similar in meaning : Sluggish:...?

(i) Slung
(ii) embrace

(iii) Slur
(iv) Slow

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The ratio of last year income of A, B & C was 3: 4: 5. While the ratio of their last year income to current year income is 4: 5; 2: 3 and 3: 4 respectively. If their total current year income is Rs. Find the present income of A...?

(i) Rs22400
(ii) Rs22500

(iii) Rs22600
(iv) Rs22700

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کے ٹو پہاڑ کی کتنی اونچائی ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) 8622 M
(ii) 8611 M

(iii) 8652 M
(iv) 8623 M

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Sindh was conquered by Muhammad bin qasim in which year...?

(i) 710 AD
(ii) 711 AD

(iii) 712 AD
(iv) Non of these

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Who was the first viceroy of India:...?

(i) Lord Rippon
(ii) Lord Canning

(iii) Lord Curzon
(iv) Lord Mayo

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Synonym of reverie is __________...?

(i) Daydream
(ii) Palimpsest

(iii) Curio
(iv) None of these

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Pakistan’s Coronavirus vaccine campaign started from _____...?

(i) 5 February 2021
(ii) 1 February 2021

(iii) 2 February 2021
(iv) None of these

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Blood is thicker than...?

(i) Air
(ii) Water

(iii) Gas
(iv) None of these

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