Pakistan's first Constituent Assembly was dissolved in: ...? Mcqs

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Pakistan's first Constituent Assembly was dissolved in: ...?

(i) 1954
(ii) 1953

(iii) 1957
(iv) 1958

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The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the field of “Peace” was awarded to...?

(i) European Union (EU)
(ii) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

(iii) Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
(iv) United Nations Security Council

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Headquarters of UNO are situated at ...?

(i) New York, USA
(ii) Haque (Netherlands)

(iii) Geneva
(iv) Switzerland

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The "Statue of Liberty" was a gift to the united states on the occasion of its independence. which country gifted it...?

(i) Britain
(ii) France

(iii) Canada
(iv) Japan

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He is interested ____________ history...?

(i) Of
(ii) In

(iii) About
(iv) On

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What was the mother name of Hazrat Abdul Mutlib...?

(i) Fatima
(ii) Habiba

(iii) Haleema
(iv) Salmah

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Faux pas means...?

(i) A fine Person
(ii) Luck

(iii) Wisdom
(iv) False and incorrect step

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What is percentage is 12 of 36...?

(i) 35%
(ii) 33.33%

(iii) 30%
(iv) 40%

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The largest automobile manufacturing center in the world is located at ...?

(i) Detroit
(ii) Tokyo

(iii) Birmingham
(iv) Berlin

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Which country features a shipwreck on its national flag...?

(i) Bermuda
(ii) Denmark

(iii) Russia
(iv) China

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