Passive Voice of "The boy did not break the glass" is__________...? Mcqs

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Passive Voice of "The boy did not break the glass" is__________...?

(i) The glass was not broken by the boy
(ii) The glass has not been broken by the boy

(iii) The glass is not broken by the boy
(iv) None of these

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Auspicious means...?

(i) Favorable
(ii) Generous

(iii) Unfavorable
(iv) Sinister

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided options A person who opposes war and violence...?

(i) Pacifist
(ii) Anarchist

(iii) Nihilist
(iv) Extremist

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Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word Monitor'...?

(i) Punish
(ii) Conclude

(iii) Observe
(iv) Interfere

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The Parliament of Poland is __________ ...?

(i) Knesset
(ii) National Assembly

(iii) Sejm
(iv) Doma

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Akosombo Dam is constructed on Volta River in...?

(i) Niger
(ii) Egypt

(iii) Ghana
(iv) None of these

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Madra is a collection of poetry by whom?...?

(i) N M Rashid
(ii) Ahmad Nadeem Qai

(iii) Abdullah Hussain
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “surmise” is _________...?

(i) a guess
(ii) summary

(iii) authoritative statement
(iv) prediction

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You will need to open a _________ to access a website...?

(i) Browser
(ii) Email

(iii) PowerPoint
(iv) URL

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Which letter is used to represent number 1000 in roman numerals...?

(i) C
(ii) D

(iii) L
(iv) M

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