Peace Memorial Park in Japan was built in the memory of: ____________...? Mcqs

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Peace Memorial Park in Japan was built in the memory of: ____________...?

(i) WW-II Survivors
(ii) Atomic Bomb Victims

(iii) WW-II Victims
(iv) Atomic Bomb Survivors

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What is the old name of table tennis game...?

(i) Ping Pong
(ii) Poona

(iii) Chin Chang
(iv) Chirik dong

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Slide __________ are the effects that determine how a slide moves in and out of the view in the Slideshow...?

(i) Animation
(ii) Transition

(iii) Layout
(iv) Templates

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From where you can access Save command in Microsoft Word...?

(i) Home tab
(ii) Insert tab

(iii) Review tab
(iv) None of above

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Who is the author of the book "The Clash of Civilizations"?...?

(i) Alvin Tofflier
(ii) Toynbee

(iii) Samuel P Huntington
(iv) None of these

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A light sensitive device that converts drawing, printed text or other images into digital form is called...?

(i) Keyboard
(ii) Scanner

(iii) OMR
(iv) None of the above

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Complete the idiom: "Best things come in small...?

(i) Installments
(ii) Packages

(iii) Gifts
(iv) Joys

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Name the battle in which Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA participated first time for Muslims:...?

(i) Battle of Badr
(ii) Battle of Trench

(iii) Battle of Mutah
(iv) Battle of Tabook

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Otto Von Bismarck was...?

(i) A Great Historian of Great Britain
(ii) Architect of the German Empire

(iii) Czar of Russia
(iv) King Emperor of Austria

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Select the suitable phrasal Verb: Before signing the contract I should ______ the content of agreement avoid mistake.

(i) look through
(ii) get over

(iii) call out
(iv) None of these

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