Pneumonia is caused by which bacteria:...? Mcqs

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Pneumonia is caused by which bacteria:...?

(i) Bacillus
(ii) Cocci

(iii) Vibrio
(iv) None of these

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The theme of world Tuna day is...?

(i) I can we can
(ii) Yes we do

(iii) we can do it
(iv) None of these

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What is the name of Mehmood Sherani's book on Urdu history?...?

(i) Urdu in Sindh
(ii) Urdu in Balochistan

(iii) Urdu in Punjab
(iv) None of these

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The antonym of Conceal is:...?

(i) Cover
(ii) Screen

(iii) Denote
(iv) None of these

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Match the following English proverb with Urdu equivalentMore to it than meets the eye...?

(i) نو نقد نہ تیرا ادھار
(ii) چھوٹا منہ بڑی بات

(iii) دال میں کالا
(iv) چور کی داڑھی میں تنکا

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Which of the following button will allow you to add, delete, or change records in your Data Source...?

(i) ‘Data Source’ button
(ii) ‘Edit’ button

(iii) ‘Edit Data Source’ button
(iv) ‘Data Editing’ button

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The first OIC Summit conference was held in ...?

(i) Lahore
(ii) Jeddah

(iii) Cairo
(iv) Rabat

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In which type of climate are coniferous forests found...?

(i) Savana
(ii) Mediterranean

(iii) Siberian
(iv) Hot desert

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Maximum spoken language in the world is____________...?

(i) Arabic
(ii) English

(iii) Mandarin
(iv) Spanish

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‘Starry Night’ (1889) is the painting of:___________...?

(i) Vincent Van Gogh
(ii) Leonardo Da Vinci

(iii) Johannes Vermeer
(iv) Pablo Picasso

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