Pope Benedict, the religious leader of Roman Catholic Church belongs to...? Mcqs

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Pope Benedict, the religious leader of Roman Catholic Church belongs to...?

(i) Britain
(ii) Germany

(iii) France
(iv) Poland

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If you want to insert some slides from other presentation into current one choose...?

(i) From Insert menu choose Slides from Files
(ii) From Insert menu choose Slides fromPresentation

(iii) From Insert menu choose Slides
(iv) None of these

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How many characters in ASCII 8-bit code can represent?...?

(i) 1000 characters
(ii) 390 characters

(iii) 156 characters
(iv) 256 characters

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Microsoft Windows uses a GUI environment. GUI proriounced "gooey" stands for_____...?

(i) Geographical User Interchange
(ii) Graphical User Interface

(iii) Geometrical Upper Intelligence
(iv) Grammatical User Incorporation

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Brass gets discolored in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in air:...?

(i) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Hydrogen sulfide

(iii) Nitrogen
(iv) Oxygen

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Synonym of “impregnable” is _________...?

(i) not fertile
(ii) safe against attack

(iii) severe
(iv) vulnerable

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Antonym of PIQUE is...?

(i) Hurt
(ii) Lrk

(iii) Joy
(iv) Huff

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Treaty of Amritsar took place in:...?

(i) 1846
(ii) 1861

(iii) 1857
(iv) 1935

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Kashmir Independence movement started in which year...?

(i) 1930
(ii) 1931

(iii) 1947
(iv) 1948

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Cordoba is a city of ________...?

(i) Iraq
(ii) Mauritania

(iii) Spain
(iv) Iran

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