Prayers which were essential in the early period of Islam...? Mcqs

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Prayers which were essential in the early period of Islam...?

(i) Fajar and Zuhar
(ii) Fajr and Isha

(iii) Fajr and Asar
(iv) Fajr and Magrib

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Which country has most number of universities in the world...?

(i) United States of America
(ii) China

(iii) India
(iv) Germany

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A Long Walk to Freedom is an autobiography of whom...?

(i) Shakespeare
(ii) Martin Luther King

(iii) Nelson Mandela
(iv) Desond Titu

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Synonym of Ridiculous is _____________...?

(i) silly
(ii) Glorious

(iii) Frivolous
(iv) None of these

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When typing character search criteria, Excel matches fields based on:...?

(i) Alphabetical order
(ii) Capitalization

(iii) Spelling
(iv) Primary records

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ANA-MPA ( Athens France-press) is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) England
(ii) Greece

(iii) India
(iv) Cyprus

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After creating the table, which of the following is correct:...?

(i) Fields cannot be added
(ii) Fields cannot be deleted

(iii) Fields can added but only once
(iv) Fields can be added and deleted as needed

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Which Turkic leader first established kingdom in Sub-continent:...?

(i) Babar
(ii) Qutb-ud-din Aibak

(iii) Ahmad Shah Abdali
(iv) None of these

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USSR disintegrated in how many states in 1991...?

(i) 11
(ii) 13

(iii) 15
(iv) 17

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Law of magnetic induction given by:...?

(i) Tesla
(ii) Faraday

(iii) Newton
(iv) None of these

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