Pulitzer is an American Award in the field of...? Mcqs

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Pulitzer is an American Award in the field of...?

(i) Sports
(ii) Scuba

(iii) Letters and journalism
(iv) Music

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“Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Dilemma” is written by...?

(i) Aitzaz Ahsan
(ii) Shamshad Ahmad

(iii) Hassan Askari
(iv) Maleeha Lodhi

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Word wrap means:...?

(i) Aligning text with the right margin
(ii) Insuring spaces between words

(iii) Moving text automatically to the next line
(iv) None of these

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Light pen is which type of device...?

(i) Output
(ii) Internal device

(iii) Input optial device
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of ” Kowtow  ” is _________...?

(i) Prostrate
(ii) Debar

(iii) Nullify
(iv) Hoard

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If you work hard, you ______ good marks...?

(i) would get
(ii) would got

(iii) will get
(iv) will got

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Which food item takes its name from the French for twice cooked...?

(i) burger
(ii) pizza

(iii) biscuit
(iv) none of these

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Choose the best Urdu translation from the given optionsReconcile...?

(i) ترقی کرنا
(ii) تاکید کرنا

(iii) صلح کرنا
(iv) طلب کرنا

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How many Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (AS)...?

(i) 10
(ii) 20

(iii) 30
(iv) 40

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By default, Word automatically formats each heading in a table of contents as ____________...?

(i) bookmarks
(ii) cross-references

(iii) hyperlinks
(iv) word-fields

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