Quaid E Azam was born ____ 25 Dec. Mcqs

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Quaid E Azam was born ____ 25 Dec.

(i) Of
(ii) in

(iii) into
(iv) on

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Leo Tolstoy is writer of...?

(i) Othello
(ii) War and Peace

(iii) For whome the bell tolls
(iv) A tale of two Cities

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Loud speaker voice is increased due to ______...?

(i) High energy
(ii) High frequency

(iii) Spectrum technology
(iv) None of these

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Who was the first owner of the Microsoft Company...?

(i) Mark Zucker Berg
(ii) Dick Cheney

(iii) Bill Gates
(iv) Steve Jobs

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Which shortcut key inserts a new slide in current presentation...?

(i) Ctrl+N
(ii) Ctrl+M

(iii) Ctrl+S
(iv) None of above

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Who was appointed as the ruler of Madina at the time of Hudaibia incident when Holy Prophet was departing for Umrah in 6th Hijri...?

(i) Bashir bin Sufyan
(ii) Namila bin Abdullah Al-Laithi

(iii) Muhammad bin Muslimah
(iv) Bara bin Azib

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To change line height to 1.5 we use shortcut key...?

(i) Ctrl+1
(ii) Ctrl+2

(iii) Ctrl+4
(iv) Ctrl+5

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Complete the question: Please could you tell me where ____...?

(i) Is the bus station
(ii) The bus station was

(iii) The bus station is
(iv) Is the bus station located

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The name of us envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan is...?

(i) Richard Hallbrooke
(ii) Marc Grossman

(iii) Leon Paneta
(iv) Robber Gate

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391,680 is the given value. Find the 10% Ushr on it...?

(i) 39168
(ii) 23498

(iii) 8576
(iv) 8643

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