Qureshi accuses prosecution of dilly-dallying. Here the word ‘dilly-dallying’ means:...? Mcqs

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Qureshi accuses prosecution of dilly-dallying. Here the word ‘dilly-dallying’ means:...?

(i) Wasting time by being indecisive
(ii) Becoming hasty in decision making

(iii) Not cooperating with council
(iv) Not respecting because of political interference

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Who said "All history is the history of class struggle "...?

(i) Rousseau
(ii) Kant

(iii) Vico
(iv) Karl Marx

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What is the use of proper text in MS Excel...?

(i) Engineered
(ii) Convert your input text to proper case

(iii) Original
(iv) None of these

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A person who talks in his/her sleep is called a ______...?

(i) Bourgeois
(ii) Somniloquist

(iii) Ventriloquist
(iv) Insomnist

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What was the Religious of the majority of the Arabs before Islam...?

(i) Buddhism
(ii) Jewish

(iii) Idolatrous
(iv) Christianity

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Head of the Senate is called________...?

(i) President
(ii) Speaker

(iii) Chairman
(iv) Administrator

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Which is the most thinly populated province of Pakistan...?

(i) KPK
(ii) Punjab

(iii) Baluchistan
(iv) Sindh

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In the sentence "He is a good athlete," the word "athlete" is a...?

(i) Noun
(ii) Pronoun

(iii) Adverb
(iv) Adjective

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Powerhouse of living cell is called...?

(i) Cell wall
(ii) Cytoplasm

(iii) Mitochondria
(iv) None of these

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The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on...?

(i) 3 August 1945
(ii) 6 August 1945

(iii) 9 August 1945
(iv) 12 August 1945

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