Red sea is connected to which gulf through Bab-el-Mandeb strait:...? Mcqs

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Red sea is connected to which gulf through Bab-el-Mandeb strait:...?

(i) Gulf of Oman
(ii) Gulf of Mexico

(iii) Gulf of Aden
(iv) Gulf of Alaska

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Synonym of “tremulous” is ___________....?

(i) domineering
(ii) frantic

(iii) inadequate
(iv) trembling

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A doll is sold for Rs 220. What was the cost of doll if rate of profit was 10% of the cost...?

(i) Rs 198
(ii) Rs 200

(iii) Rs 210
(iv) Rs 240

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Select the correct shortcut key which is used to underline a written paragraph...?

(i) CTRL + T
(ii) CTRL + U

(iii) CTRL + Z
(iv) CTRL + B

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Who is the author of the book “Prelude to Partition: The Indian Muslims and the Imperial System of Control”...?

(i) Dr. David Page
(ii) Shuja Nawaz

(iii) Alastair Lamb
(iv) William Crawley

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In chronological order, which of the following personalities come first...?

(i) Plato
(ii) Aristotle

(iii) Socrates
(iv) Epicurus

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Comb was invented by Prophet...?

(i) Nuh (A.S)
(ii) Daud (A.S)

(iii) Ibrahim (A.S)
(iv) Sulaiman (A.S)

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The duty of Hazrat Mickaeel is___________...?

(i) Convey revelation
(ii) Sound trumpet

(iii) Seize the soul
(iv) Responsible of Rain and wind

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'Alexandria' is the following is...?

(i) Greece
(ii) Iraq

(iii) Syria
(iv) Egypt

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سابق فاٹا میں کتنی ایجنسیاں شامل تھیں

(i) 6
(ii) 7

(iii) 8
(iv) 9

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