River Sakeena Flows through:___________...? Mcqs

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River Sakeena Flows through:___________...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Australia

(iii) South America
(iv) North America

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How many Arkan Roza has...?

(i) 2
(ii) 3

(iii) 4
(iv) 5

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Antonym of PATHOLOGICAL is...?

(i) Sick
(ii) Healthy

(iii) Chemicals
(iv) Selective

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SQL stands for...?

(i) Simple Query Language
(ii) Structured Query Language

(iii) Senior Query Language
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is not an edible variety of mushroom...?

(i) Amanita (is regarded as the most poisonus mushroom in the world)
(ii) Oyster mushrooms

(iii) Straw mushrooms
(iv) None of these

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The captain of Pakistan cricket team which defeated England at the Oval in 1954...?

(i) Fazl Memood
(ii) Hanif Muhammad

(iii) Abdul Hafeez Kardar
(iv) Khan Muhammad

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Hazrat ____________ has the title the gateway to knowledge....?

(i) Abu Bakar
(ii) Umar

(iii) Usman
(iv) Ali

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The first and only Pakistani woman to have summited Mount Everest successfully...?

(i) Sana Mir
(ii) Zeenat Jamal

(iii) Samina Baig
(iv) Anita Baig

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He said to me, "Keep Quiet"...?

(i) He asked me to keep quiet
(ii) He ordered to keep quiet

(iii) He instructed to me to keep quiet
(iv) None of these

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For which of the following disciplines Nobel Prize is awarded...?

(i) Physics and Chemistry
(ii) Physiology or Medicine

(iii) Literature, Peace and Economics
(iv) all of these

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