Saba is the news agency of _________....? Mcqs

All Books Important MCQ's

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Saba is the news agency of _________....?

(i) Indonesia
(ii) Syria

(iii) Yemen
(iv) Jordan

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Which area has the largest deposits of iron ore in Pakistan...?

(i) Kalabagh
(ii) Chitral

(iii) Saindak
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of ” Heartfelt ” is...?

(i) Lovind
(ii) Insincere

(iii) Unhealthy
(iv) Healthy

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Ctrl + B Shortcut key is used in Ms Word to____________...?

(i) Search the selected text
(ii) Paste the selected text

(iii) Bold the selected text
(iv) Open the specified file

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When Quetta was devastated by severe earthquake...?

(i) 29 May, 1935
(ii) 28 May, 1935

(iii) 31 May, 1935
(iv) 30 May, 1935

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"K" In Pakistan stands for...?

(i) Khyber
(ii) Karakurum

(iii) Karachi
(iv) Kashmir

Latest MCQs

The first intelligible words to be ever recorded on a telephone on March 10, 1876, were...?

(i) Hello
(ii) Hi

(iii) Mr Watson, come here. I want to see you.
(iv) Graham Bell is speaking

Latest MCQs

Which companion of the holy prophet recited verse of holy Quran in front of Najashi...?

(i) Hazrat ali
(ii) Hazrat jaffar tayyar

(iii) Hazrat zaid bin Harris
(iv) Hazrat usman

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A “Ctrl + Enter” command will __________ ...?

(i) Open a new document
(ii) Create a new page

(iii) Create a new Paragraph
(iv) Create a new line

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'Order of the Rising Sun' is the highest military award of...?

(i) Japan
(ii) USA

(iii) Norway
(iv) UK

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