Samood was the grandson of ________...? Mcqs

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Samood was the grandson of ________...?

(i) Idress A.S
(ii) Sam

(iii) Aad
(iv) None of these

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Hazrat Khadija (R.A) bore all the children of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) except...?

(i) Ibrahim (R.A)
(ii) Abdullah (R.A)

(iii) Hazrat Fatima (R.A)
(iv) Hazrat Ruqaiyah (R.A)

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RAM is a....?

(i) Volatile
(ii) Temporary

(iii) Primary Memory
(iv) All of these

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A steam shovel excavates 2 cubic yards every 40 seconds. At this rate the amount excavated in 45 minutes is:...?

(i) 90 cubic yards
(ii) 135 cubic yards

(iii) 270 cubic yards
(iv) 1200 cubic yards

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Which one of the following is a metal...?

(i) Gypsum
(ii) Mercury

(iii) Limestone
(iv) Granite

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Choose the best English Translation of theاندھوں میں کا ناراجہ :word...?

(i) A figure among ciphers
(ii) A king in the palace

(iii) A prince in wilderness
(iv) Great braggart, little doers

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امجد اسلام امجد کی مشہور نظم آٹو گراف کس شخصیت کے لیے لکھی گئی؟...?

(i) عمران خان
(ii) فضل محمود

(iii) عبدالستار ایدھی
(iv) جاوید میانداد

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Which dam is situated on Haro river:...?

(i) Khanpur
(ii) Mangla

(iii) Tanda
(iv) None of these

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1.14 expressed as a percentage of 1.9 is...?

(i) 4%
(ii) 6%

(iii) 60%
(iv) None of these

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Who was last Commander in chief of Ghzwa-e-mautah...?

(i) Hazrat khalid bin waleed (R.A)
(ii) Abdur Rehman Bin Auf (R.A)

(iii) Abdullah Bin Rawaha(R.A)
(iv) None of above

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