Select the appropriate meaning of the given idiom. To take French leave...? Mcqs

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Select the appropriate meaning of the given idiom. To take French leave...?

(i) Leave without any intimation
(ii) Leave with written permission

(iii) Casual leave
(iv) None of these

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The country name “Netherlands” literally means that...?

(i) mouth of land
(ii) land of sun set

(iii) ideal location
(iv) lower countries

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Average value of A and B is 50000, that of B and C is 60000 and average of A and C is 55000. Find the value of B:...?

(i) 50000
(ii) 55000

(iii) 60000
(iv) None of these

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IAMD stands for...?

(i) Integral Aerospace and Missile Detachment
(ii) International Air and Micro-avionics Deployment

(iii) Integrated Air and Missile Defence
(iv) Isolated Aggressive Military Defence

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What does Taraweeh means...?

(i) To Stand
(ii) To sit

(iii) To Rest
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “syllogism” is _________...?

(i) harmony
(ii) word division

(iii) sensible observation
(iv) reasoning method

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Hayad e javed, By Maulana Altaf Hali is..?

(i) Autobiography
(ii) Biography of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(iii) Brief account of the Great Muslims
(iv) Guide for those who want to lead

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Determination of oxygen carried by hemoglobin is done by...?

(i) pH
(ii) Partial pressure of oxygen

(iii) Partial pressure of carbon dioxide
(iv) All of these

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In which type of climate are coniferous forests found...?

(i) Savana
(ii) Mediterranean

(iii) Siberian
(iv) Hot desert

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Who discovered the first vaccine...?

(i) Edward Jenner
(ii) Einstein

(iii) Albert Sabin
(iv) Jonas Salk

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