Select the meaning of idiorn between double quotes from given optionsHe didn't bat an eye" means the same as________...? Mcqs

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Select the meaning of idiorn between double quotes from given optionsHe didn't bat an eye" means the same as________...?

(i) He didn't see
(ii) He wasn't happy

(iii) He didn't show surprise
(iv) None of these

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King of Egypt sent two concubines as a gift to Muhammad(S.A.W), Maria(R.A) and__________...?

(i) Saira
(ii) Sirin bint Shamun

(iii) Marriam
(iv) Zulaikha

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Current head of Islamic ideology Council:...?

(i) Allama Muhammad Raghib Hussain Naeemi
(ii) Mufti Muneeb ur Rahman

(iii) Abdul Khabir Azad
(iv) None of these

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Which type of cells protect the body from infectious diseases and foreign invaders...?

(i) Red Blood Cells
(ii) White Blood Cells

(iii) Platelets
(iv) None of these

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If the price of carpet 8-meter-long and 3- meter-wide is Rs. 6288, what will be the price of 12-meter-long and 6-meter-wide carpet:...?

(i) Rs 16654
(ii) Rs 18864

(iii) Rs 21345
(iv) Rs 12768

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What is the Old name of World Bank...?

(i) International Bank for Development
(ii) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

(iii) International Bank for Infrastructure and Development
(iv) International Bank for Design and Development

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What was the initial name of Microsoft Word when it was released?...?

(i) Multi-Technique Word
(ii) Multi-Transition Word

(iii) Multi-Type Word
(iv) Multi-Tool Word

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Synonym of “sordid” is _________...?

(i) lazy
(ii) cruel

(iii) regrettable
(iv) dirty

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ترجمہ کا انتخاب کیجیےOut of the frying pan into the fire...?

(i) جل بن مچھلی
(ii) پوری چھوڑ آدھی سے بھی جائے

(iii) آسمان سے گرا کھجور میں انکا
(iv) آئے تھے نماز بخشوانے روزے گلے پڑ گئے

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A computer program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine language is called...?

(i) Interpreter
(ii) Compiler

(iii) CPU
(iv) Interpreter

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