Select the pair which has the same relationship. After : Before...? Mcqs

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Select the pair which has the same relationship. After : Before...?

(i) First: Second
(ii) Present: Past

(iii) Contemporary: Historic
(iv) Successor: Predecessor

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The flesh of the slaughtered animals is divided into three portions. One third is for one’s own self. Another third for the poor and the needy and the last third is for__________...?

(i) Imam Sahib
(ii) Non-Muslims

(iii) Relatives
(iv) None of these

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First ____________ Aayat of Holy Quraan are called Tawwal...?

(i) Three
(ii) Four

(iii) Six
(iv) Seven

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Who was the Youngest daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)...?

(i) Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A)
(ii) Hazrat bibi Zainab (R.A)

(iii) Hazrat bibi Fatima (R.A)
(iv) Hazrat bibi Ruqayyah (R.A)

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In which continent there is no glacier...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Australia

(iii) Asia
(iv) North America

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'The night Watch' paintings belong to...?

(i) Rembrandt Van Rijn
(ii) Picasso

(iii) Leonardo
(iv) Michelangelo

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The 17th Asian Games were held in _________?

(i) 2014
(ii) 2017

(iii) 2019
(iv) 2020

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Shaheen Air Line is the airline of ______...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) Brunei

(iii) India
(iv) Iran

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Which of the following is the most powerful type of computer...?

(i) Main frame computer
(ii) Micro computer

(iii) Super computer
(iv) None of these

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In Rajab of 9th hijri, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH left Madina along with 30,000 strong force of his comparisons. The force reached at _________on the border of Syria ...?

(i) Yarmuk
(ii) Muta

(iii) Tabuk
(iv) Qadisiya

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