Senkaku Islands are disputed between which of the following nations...? Mcqs

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Senkaku Islands are disputed between which of the following nations...?

(i) Japan and China
(ii) Japna and Russia

(iii) China and Philippines
(iv) USA and Russia

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Which is the southernmost active volcano on earth...?

(i) Mount Dukono
(ii) Mount Rainier

(iii) Mount Semeru
(iv) Mount Erebus

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Softwares Copyright access Illegaly...?

(i) Theft
(ii) Stolen

(iii) Robbery
(iv) Piracy

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What duty is performed by the Angel Mekaail...?

(i) Who brought Allah's books
(ii) In charge of protection and also to bring rains

(iii) Who will below the trumpet on the Day of Judgment
(iv) In charge of taking the life of living creatures

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Which is the largest province of Iran by Area...?

(i) Alborz
(ii) Kerman

(iii) Tehran
(iv) Ilham Province

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Solve 30% of 3300...?

(i) 330
(ii) 990

(iii) 700
(iv) 1100

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The third daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________....?

(i) Hazrat Zainab (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Fatima (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

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Synonym of VAGRANT is _____________...?

(i) Roving
(ii) Stable

(iii) Honoured
(iv) Stubborn

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Under the status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi Government, US intend to remove all troops from Iraq by the end of...?

(i) 2011
(ii) 2012

(iii) 2013
(iv) 2014

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In Computer CPU stands for...?

(i) Computer processing Unit
(ii) Central program unit

(iii) Communication Programmer Unit
(iv) Central Processing Unit

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