Shahjahanabad was the name of which city in Mughal era:...? Mcqs

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Shahjahanabad was the name of which city in Mughal era:...?

(i) Purani Dilli
(ii) Kolkata

(iii) Fatehpur
(iv) None of these

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Which hockey player was nicknamed “The Flying Horse” because of his great speed...?

(i) Asad Malik
(ii) Samiullah Khan

(iii) Jahangir Khan
(iv) None of these

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Urdu is a word of which language...?

(i) Sad species
(ii) Farsi

(iii) Abode of God
(iv) Turkish

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Hazrat Maryam (AS) migrated to __________ after the birth of Hazrat Essa at Bait’al’Lehm, Jerusalem...?

(i) Jordan
(ii) Syria

(iii) Palestine
(iv) Egypt

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IAMD stands for...?

(i) Integral Aerospace and Missile Detachment
(ii) International Air and Micro-avionics Deployment

(iii) Integrated Air and Missile Defence
(iv) Isolated Aggressive Military Defence

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Babri Mosque which was demolished in 1992 was/is situated in the province / state of:...?

(i) Maharashtra
(ii) Utar Pardesh

(iii) Madhya Pardesh
(iv) Andra Pardesh

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Page Down Keyboard Key is used in Microsoft Word to_________...?

(i) Moves the cursor one line down
(ii) Moves the cursor one page down

(iii) Moves the cursor one screen down
(iv) Moves the cursor one paragraph down

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افسانہ کے معنی ہیں؟...?

(i) داستان
(ii) کسی کی برائی کرنا

(iii) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
(iv) عورتوں کی باتیں

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Which is the Parent Company of TikTok...?

(i) Tencent
(ii) ByteDance

(iii) Alibaba
(iv) Baidu

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رمضان المبارک اسلامی کیلنڈر کا کونسا مہینہ ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) 7
(ii) 8

(iii) 6
(iv) 9

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