Shape of the Milky Way Galaxy is...? Mcqs

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Shape of the Milky Way Galaxy is...?

(i) Rectangular
(ii) Spiral

(iii) Elliptical
(iv) Circular

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Payment of Mehr to wife is:__________...?

(i) Depends on the Demand by Wife
(ii) It is social affair

(iii) Obligatory
(iv) Not Ordained by Allah

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Who was the first governor general of Pakistan...?

(i) Allama Iqbal
(ii) sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(iii) Quid e Azam
(iv) Choudhry Rehmat Ali

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When wicket keeper bails out the wicket and batsman did not go for a run then what type of out...?

(i) Stumped
(ii) Bowled

(iii) Run out
(iv) None of these

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Which vitamin prevents hemorrhaging...?

(i) B1
(ii) B12

(iii) E
(iv) K

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Dear friend......... I need your help. Fill in the blank with suitable punctuation...?

(i) Comma
(ii) Semi Colon

(iii) Exclamation
(iv) None of these

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Pakistan became the member of NAM in...?

(i) 1966
(ii) 1967

(iii) 1968
(iv) 1979

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After the conquest of Punjab, Punjab Britishers constituted a three member board of Administration for governing the Pujab. Indicate who was not the member among the followings...?

(i) Hery Lawrence
(ii) John Lawrence

(iii) Charles Mansel
(iv) Robert Montgomery

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GUI stands for _______...?

(i) Graphical use interface
(ii) Graphical user interface

(iii) Grapic user interface
(iv) None of these

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On which river Guddu Barrage is built?...?

(i) Indus
(ii) Chenab

(iii) Jhelum
(iv) None of these

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