She was grateful to all the volunteers _ thier help...? Mcqs

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She was grateful to all the volunteers _ thier help...?

(i) a
(ii) of

(iii) For
(iv) on

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The average run of 8 players is 6. The average run increases by 1 when 2 new players are included. What is the average run of new players...?

(i) 10.5
(ii) 11.5

(iii) 125
(iv) 13.5

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VNA is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) vietnam
(ii) nigeria

(iii) argentia
(iv) algeria

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SACEUR is a position which leads NATO’s military operations. It stands for...?

(i) Supreme Alliance Commander Europe
(ii) Supreme Allied Commander Europe

(iii) Supreme Atlantic Commander for Europe
(iv) Supreme Affiliated Commander Europe

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On 18th May 1974 India exploded first nuclear devise under code name of...?

(i) Operation Blue Star Rkshak
(ii) Operation Gibraltar

(iii) Operation Smiling Buddah
(iv) Operation

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Identify the Muslim ruler who introduced jail system for detention of prisoners...?

(i) Hazrat Umer (May Allah bless Him)
(ii) Hazrat Abu Bakr(May Allah bless Him)

(iii) Hazrat Ali(May Allah bless Him)
(iv) Hazrat Usman(May Allah bless Him)

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Fill in the Blanks with the appropriate Word. It is Ten O'clock ____ my, watch...?

(i) With
(ii) On

(iii) In
(iv) By

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AGI is the news agency of...?

(i) India
(ii) Germany

(iii) South Africa
(iv) Italy

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Second President of the U S A was:...?

(i) Thomas Jefferson
(ii) John Adams

(iii) James Madison
(iv) James Monroe

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Antonym of Guilty is:...?

(i) Innocent
(ii) Humble

(iii) Clever
(iv) Proud

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