Shortcut key for changing case of letter...? Mcqs

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Shortcut key for changing case of letter...?

(i) Ctrl+F5
(ii) Ctrl+F6

(iii) Shift+F3
(iv) Ctrl+F2

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Which one of the following countries was the last one to become a member of SAARC...?

(i) Sri Lanka
(ii) Nepal

(iii) Afghanistan
(iv) None of these

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In chronological order, which of the following personalities come first...?

(i) Plato
(ii) Aristotle

(iii) Socrates
(iv) Epicurus

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_________ was an eloquent speaker...?

(i) Hazrat Idrees (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Musa (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Haroon (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Ayub (AS)

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Which of the following is used in normal pencils ...?

(i) Graphite
(ii) Silicon

(iii) Charcoal
(iv) Slate

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Which is the national sport of Pakistan...?

(i) Football
(ii) Hockey

(iii) Cricket
(iv) Squash

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Which son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) reached adulthood...?

(i) Hazrat Ibrahim
(ii) Hazrat Qasim

(iii) Hazrat Abdullah
(iv) None of these

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When did the Cabinet Mission come to India...?

(i) 1942
(ii) 1943

(iii) 1946
(iv) 1947

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The Diamir-Bhasha Dam is in the preliminary stages of construction. It is on river:...?

(i) Kabul
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Ravi
(iv) Indus

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When was the Qiblah changed...?

(i) 2nd Hijri
(ii) 3rd Hijri

(iii) 4th Hijri
(iv) Ist Hijri

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