Shortcut key to Remove paragraph formatting is_________________________...? Mcqs

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Shortcut key to Remove paragraph formatting is_________________________...?

(i) Ctrl + S
(ii) Ctrl + Q

(iii) Ctrl + E
(iv) Ctrl + L

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Which of the following represents the five rings of the symbol of the Olympic Games...?

(i) Five continents
(ii) Five cities

(iii) Five countries
(iv) None of these

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What is the similar word of "demise"...?

(i) Conclude
(ii) End

(iii) Death
(iv) Affection

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Who wrote the book “Kitab al Kharaj”...?

(i) Imam Abu Hanifa
(ii) Imam Shafi

(iii) Abu Yusuf
(iv) Muhammad Al Shaybani

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Which of the Mowing is not used to access the web?...?

(i) ISDN
(ii) Modem

(iii) UDP
(iv) DSL

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The Treaty of Portsmouth was signed between Russia and Japan in...?

(i) September 5, 1904
(ii) September 4, 1905

(iii) September 5, 1906
(iv) September 5, 1905

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Which of the following device is used to store data permanently...?

(i) Hard Disk
(ii) Printer

(iii) Cashe
(iv) Ram

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Hazrat Isa (AS) prayed to Allah to become the Ummati of which Prophet...?

(i) Hazrat Musa (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

(iii) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Nooh (AS)

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What an authentic Hadis is called___________...?

(i) Sahifah
(ii) Sahih

(iii) Musnad
(iv) Saadiqah

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In summer, the temperature of sub area of Pakistan is:...?

(i) High
(ii) Low

(iii) Moderate
(iv) None of these

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