Silk is produced by...? Mcqs

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Silk is produced by...?

(i) Larva of Silkworm
(ii) Eggs of silkworm

(iii) Pupa of silkworm
(iv) None of these

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Kachura Lake is located in...?

(i) Jamsud
(ii) Sakrdu

(iii) Thatta
(iv) None of these

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The name of the fifth Kalimah is:...?

(i) Kalimak Tauheed
(ii) Kalima Shahdat

(iii) Kalima Istighfar
(iv) Kalima Tamjeed

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Thomas Jefferson was the ________ president of the United States...?

(i) 1st
(ii) 2nd

(iii) 3rd
(iv) 4th

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Few antonym...?

(i) Little
(ii) Many

(iii) More
(iv) None

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How many times France won the FIFA World Cup...?

(i) One
(ii) Two

(iii) Three
(iv) Four

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How many times Mahmud of Ghazni invaded india during 1000 to 1027...?

(i) 5
(ii) 15

(iii) 17
(iv) None of these

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St. Lawrence River is located in which country...?

(i) Sri Lanka
(ii) South Africa

(iii) Canada
(iv) None of these

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Klaus Schwab is the founder of...?

(i) Red Cross
(ii) Scout Movement

(iii) World Economic Forum
(iv) Cable News Network

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What is the main export of Saudi Arabia...?

(i) Oil
(ii) Gold

(iii) Coffee
(iv) None of these

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