Snowcapped mountains are found on which of the following planet...? Mcqs

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Snowcapped mountains are found on which of the following planet...?

(i) Earth
(ii) Venus

(iii) Pluto
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of Credulous is...?

(i) Respectfull
(ii) Hardworing

(iii) Skeptical
(iv) Frugal

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The Livestock Farm Rakh Mahni was established in ________...?

(i) April 1950
(ii) March 1950

(iii) April 1951
(iv) None of These

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First Azan was called out in_______ A.H....?

(i) 3 A.H.
(ii) 2 A.H.

(iii) 1 A.H.
(iv) 4 A.H.

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Greenland is under the control of which country...?

(i) Germany
(ii) Denmark

(iii) France
(iv) None of these

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What was the name of Quaid-e-Azam wife..?

(i) Ruttle Jinnah
(ii) Emibal Jinnah

(iii) Maryam Jinnah
(iv) Gulzar Jinnahpoonja

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__________ cured the victims of leprosy as a miracle ...?

(i) Hazrat Idrees a.s
(ii) Hazrat Issa a.s

(iii) Hazrat yahya a.s
(iv) None

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Which battle is referred to as Yaumul Furqan...?

(i) Uhad
(ii) Badr

(iii) Hunayn
(iv) Mu’tah

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Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) gave the key of Bait Ullah permanently to Hazrat...?

(i) Umara Bin Utba
(ii) Hanzla bin Abi Aamir

(iii) Usman bin Talha
(iv) Abdullah Bin Aamir

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Which cooling agent gas has a lower temperature than solid ice:...?

(i) Ammonia
(ii) Nitrogen

(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) None of these

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