Software that assists you, or acts on your behalf, to perform repetitive computer-relatedtasks is a/n:...? Mcqs

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Software that assists you, or acts on your behalf, to perform repetitive computer-relatedtasks is a/n:...?

(i) Intelligenagent
(ii) Robot

(iii) Fuzzy logic
(iv) Genetic algorithm

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1/a × 1/b=1. Then the value of b-ac is...?

(i) 0
(ii) 1

(iii) -3
(iv) Cannot be determined due to insufficient data

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What is the name of the Iranian president...?

(i) Masoud Pezeshkian
(ii) Syed Ali Khamenel

(iii) Jawad Zarief
(iv) Kamal Kharazi

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سندھ طاس معاہدہ کب ہوا تھا

(i) 19 SEP 1960
(ii) 18 SEP 1960

(iii) 18 SEP 1961
(iv) 17 SEP 1971

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Which country out of the following is not located in Asia?...?

(i) Thailand
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Myanmar
(iv) Libya

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A mass of ice originating in mountains in snowfields above the snowline is called...?

(i) Mountain River
(ii) Glaciers

(iii) Lakes and Water falls
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following institution released the report “from the great lockdown to the great meltdown”...?

(i) IMF

(iii) ADB
(iv) World Bank

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When did East Pakistan became Bangladesh...?

(i) 1970
(ii) 1975

(iii) 1971
(iv) 1980

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Antonym of PRODIGAL is...?

(i) Spendthrift
(ii) Squandering

(iii) Thrifty
(iv) Wanton

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In which year were the vowels inserted in the Qur’an...?

(i) 43 Hijri
(ii) 42 Hijri

(iii) 41 Hijri
(iv) 40 Hijri

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