solve If 2:7::7: 49 is:...? Mcqs

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solve If 2:7::7: 49 is:...?

(i) 9
(ii) 14

(iii) 52
(iv) 28

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Annapurna is the tenth highest mountain in the world, Its height is_________...?

(i) 7,091 meters
(ii) 8,000 meters

(iii) 8,091 meters
(iv) 9,000 meters

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دشت قیس میں لیلی کس کی تصنیف ہے ...?

(i) جمیلہ ہاشمی
(ii) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

(iii) کشور ناہید
(iv) بانو قدسیه

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Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) made his second journey to Syria at the age of ______ years...?

(i) 20
(ii) 22

(iii) 24
(iv) 26

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Which of the following films has won eight Oscar awards in a ceremony on 23 feb 2009...?

(i) The Reader
(ii) The Dark Knight

(iii) Slumdog Millionaire
(iv) Man and wire

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Yellow Sea lies between __________....?

(i) America and Canada
(ii) England and France

(iii) China and Korea
(iv) Norway and Sweden

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In which agreement the ceasefire line in Kashmir was named Line of Control...?

(i) Simla Agreement
(ii) Ceasefire agreement

(iii) 2003 agreement
(iv) None of these

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Choose the ONE from the following options which exhibits the same analogy as established in the last two words. Slack:ــــــــــــــــــPlucky: Courageous...?

(i) Tight
(ii) Silent

(iii) Negligent
(iv) Cowardly

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Auspicious means...?

(i) Favorable
(ii) Generous

(iii) Unfavorable
(iv) Sinister

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Mostly Used Computers...?

(i) Analog computer
(ii) Digital computer

(iii) Laptops
(iv) None of these

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