Solve the equation 12 / 20 =...? Mcqs

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Solve the equation 12 / 20 =...?

(i) 6
(ii) 24

(iii) 0.6
(iv) 24

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How many types of Ijma are there____________...?

(i) Three
(ii) four

(iii) Two
(iv) five

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When did East Pakistan became Bangladesh...?

(i) 1970
(ii) 1975

(iii) 1971
(iv) 1980

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Which celebrity was awarded pride of performance in 2005...?

(i) Nusrat Mumtaz
(ii) Arif Lohar

(iii) Abrar-ul-Haq
(iv) None of these

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Zanzibar is now part of which country...?

(i) Kenya
(ii) Tanzania

(iii) Uganda
(iv) Mozambique

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By default, Word automatically formats each heading in a table of contents as ____________...?

(i) bookmarks
(ii) cross-references

(iii) hyperlinks
(iv) word-fields

Latest MCQs

In the words of NATO’s first secretary-general, the purpose of NATO was to...?

(i) “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the French down”
(ii) “keep the Soviet Union and Germans out, the Americans in, and the French down”

(iii) “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”
(iv) “only keep the Soviet Union out”

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Chose the best similar, synonym word of FICKLE ....?

(i) Constant
(ii) Nervous

(iii) Changeable
(iv) Poor

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Electrons were discovered by...?

(i) Alarm Burg
(ii) JC Bose

(iii) JJ Thomson
(iv) Christopher Columbus

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In a Windows PC, the shortcut for copying in Microsoft Word is:...?

(i) CTRL+A
(ii) CTRL+B

(iii) CTRL+C
(iv) CTRL+V

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