Sound travels fastest in:...? Mcqs

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Sound travels fastest in:...?

(i) Solid
(ii) Liquid

(iii) Gas
(iv) None of these

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The purpose of Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Pakistan is...?

(i) Insurance
(ii) Scholarships

(iii) Health
(iv) None of these

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Capital of Myanmar is:...?

(i) Yangoon (Naypyidaw)
(ii) Rangoon

(iii) Colombo
(iv) Khulna

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The Holy Prophet (SAW) said that cleanliness ( طہارت) is the part of

(i) Islam
(ii) Touheed

(iii) Faith
(iv) Risalat

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What are Newton's used to measure...?

(i) Force
(ii) Volcano

(iii) Earthquack
(iv) Tsunami

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When was Quaid-e-Azam elected as the President of the First Constituent Assombly...?

(i) August 11, 1947
(ii) August 14, 1947

(iii) August 15, 1947
(iv) August 18, 1947

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مسدس حالی کا پہلا ایڈیشن ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ میں شائع ہوا۔۔۔؟

(i) 1823
(ii) 1834

(iii) 1833
(iv) 1879

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The name of the sixth Kalimah is______________...?

(i) Kalimah Tamjeed
(ii) Kalimah Tauheed

(iii) Kalimah Shahadat
(iv) Kalimah Radd-i-Kufar

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In Ms Word, What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop cap...?

(i) 3
(ii) 10

(iii) 15
(iv) 20

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The smallest Sea of the World is __________....?

(i) Dead Sea
(ii) Red Sea

(iii) Baltic Sea
(iv) Arabian Sea

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