Spain was conquered by Muslims in which century...? Mcqs

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Spain was conquered by Muslims in which century...?

(i) 711 CE
(ii) 712 CE

(iii) 713 CE
(iv) 714 CE

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Choose the right option to complete the Indirect narration of the direct speech given in quotation marks:"What are you talking about" The teacher asked me what________...?

(i) am I talking about
(ii) I was talking about

(iii) He is talking about
(iv) was he talking about

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What is the old name of Makkah...?

(i) Waadi
(ii) Yasrab

(iii) Bakkah
(iv) None of these

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The captain of Pakistan cricket team which defeated England at the Oval in 1954...?

(i) Fazl Memood
(ii) Hanif Muhammad

(iii) Abdul Hafeez Kardar
(iv) Khan Muhammad

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Who was second Prophet after Hazrat Adam a.s...?

(i) Hazrat Nooh a.s
(ii) Hazrat Moosa a.s

(iii) Hazrat Shees a.s
(iv) Hazrat Ibrahim a.s

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In 2024, which country passed a law banning coal usage by 2030...?

(i) Netherlands
(ii) UK

(iii) Germany
(iv) Australia

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Synonym of ALERT is...?

(i) Intellegent
(ii) Energetic

(iii) Observant
(iv) Watchful

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Antonym of “Revenge” is ...?

(i) Payback
(ii) Retreave

(iii) Pardon
(iv) Reprisal

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38 Parallel is a boundary line between:...?

(i) North Korea and South Korea
(ii) India and China

(iii) China and Taiwan
(iv) Germany and Poland

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What is falqaram for goats...?

(i) 30 goats
(ii) 40 goats

(iii) 50 goats
(iv) 60 goats

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